This Code of Conduct specifies the essential principles and basic values to which we at Fly-Hill-Aero are committed in our daily dealings with employees, customers, suppliers, society and the environment as part of our corporate activities.

It is guided by the „UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights“ and derived from core It is guided by the „UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights“ and derived from core international human rights standards, including the „ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work“ and the „United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights“.

The Code of Conduct is an initiative that applies to the entire supply chain. At Fly-Hill-Aero, we believe that a company must fully comply with the laws, rules and regulations of the countries in which it conducts business and all of its activities.  In doing so, we strive to go beyond compliance with legal requirements to increase social and environmental responsibility and improve business ethics.

Human Rights

At Fly-Hill-Aero we respect human rights and fundamental constitutional rights. We are committed not to participate in any form of human rights violations, either directly or indirectly. We expect our business partners to respect the same rights and values.

Freedom of Association

At Fly-Hill-Aero, we respect employees‘ right to freedom of association. Employees are free to form or become members of an employee representative body. An employee must not suffer any disadvantage as a result of being a member of a trade union. Our suppliers must also respect the right of their employees to freedom of association.

Fair working conditions

We at Fly-Hill-Aero ensure fair working conditions for all employees. This includes compliance with the respective national regulations on working hours as well as the right to adequate remuneration.  This must comply with all relevant laws on remuneration, including laws on minimum wage and legally defined social benefits.  Any use of temporary employment, the posting of workers and the outsourcing of work must be carried out in compliance with local legislation.

Forced Labor/Child Labor/Human Trafficking

We at Fly-Hill-Aero are committed to the prohibition of all forms of forced labor. This means any type of work or service that is forced upon a person under threat of punishment or that a person does not perform voluntarily. We expect that our suppliers will also not allow any form of forced labor in their company.

We are also committed to the prohibition of all forms of child labor and human trafficking.


At Fly-Hill-Aero, we value diversity and inclusion. We promote equal opportunity and treatment of our employees regardless of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity. Therefore, we do not tolerate bullying or discrimination at Fly-Hill-Aero.

Health Protection / Occupational Safety

Employee health is of the utmost importance to us at Fly-Hill-Aero. Therefore, we take responsibility for the health and safety of our employees in the work environment. We comply with applicable national health and safety legislation. We are committed to minimizing the risks to which our employees are exposed by taking appropriate measures to prevent health hazards and accidents. All our employees are trained in occupational safety at least once a year. Our suppliers are also required to comply with the applicable national legislation on health protection and occupational safety.

Environmental Protection

Our actions are largely determined by minimizing the impact of our business activities on the environment and the climate. That is why we at Fly-Hill-Aero attach importance to minimizing environmental risks and negative effects on the environment by taking precautionary measures. This includes, but is not limited to, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. We also expect our suppliers to protect the environment and comply with applicable national environmental laws, regulations and standards. Suppliers must ensure that their activities do not cause any avoidable environmental damage.


At Fly-Hill-Aero, we conduct our business processes and business relationships ethically. We do not tolerate or engage in any form of corruption or bribery, including and especially any unlawful offers of payment or similar gratuities to government officials and other decision-makers to influence their decision-making.

Intellectual Property

We at Fly-Hill-Aero respect the intellectual property of our employees and business partners as well as our competitors. Each individual takes care to ensure that no unauthorized person can access his or her own data. In addition, we use confidential information exclusively for business purposes.

Data Protection/Information Privacy

We at Fly-Hill-Aero respect the personal rights of the person when processing data. In doing so, we follow the goal of collecting, processing or using only the necessary personal data, i.e. as little as possible.

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